Quick Facts
- He is known as the morning star.
- Also, He was one of the Christian God's favorites before He fell.
- He is the ruler of Hell alongside Satan. There are other rulers, but He and Satan are the ones I currently worship.
- Officially the first angel to fall from grace and defy God.
- Associated with the sin Pride.
- Associated with the element of Air.
- His Dukante enn is this: "Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa Icar Lucifer"
- Snakes - Immortality, rebirth, transformation
- Wolf - Loyalty
- Deer - Love, mindfulness
- Owl - Knowledge
- Peacock - Confidence, knowledge, self love
- Rose - Love
- Lily - Passion
- Sunflower - Loyalty
- Honeysuckle - Happiness, devotion
- Lotus - Enlightenment
- Pomegranate - Death, longevity, paradise, temptation
- Rainbows - Light
- Selenite - Lunar connection
- Moonstone - Lunar connection
- The planet Venus - Also known as the morning star
Dukante Information
Taken from the book The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic by J. Thorp, here's some correspondences belonging to Lucifer -
- COLORS - yellow, white
- DIRECTION - east
- HOLY DAYS - March 21st, November 13th
- MONTH - March
- SEASON - spring
- RITUALS - enlightenment, spring equinox, initiation
- HERBS - wormwood
- ELEMENT - air
Special thanks to a Luciferian friend of mine for helping with this page! He's cool.